Transfer A Call From the Mitel Connect Client (with External Assignment)

Tags phone

How to transfer calls when External Assignment is enabled

  • Requirements:
    • Must be connected through the VPN
    • Must have the Mitel Connect Client running on your computer

When connected to the Mitel Client while external assignment is active, your Mitel Client will display incoming calls to your extension and your cell phone will ring.
When the call is answered from your cell phone, the Mitel Client will start counting up the time elapsed on that call as shown below.


To transfer the active call:

  1. Click on the active call indicator at the bottom right of the Client

  2. After clicking the active call, an additional pane will appear on the right side of the client window.

  1. In the row of icons at the top right of the pane, click the transfer icon (see below)

  2. A new set of fields will appear below the row of icons.
    In the “Type name or extension” field, type in the number or name that should receive the transfer.

  3. Click the Transfer button. 

After clicking “Transfer” the timer will still continue to display the active time on the call, but after a few seconds the call will automatically END and the person receiving the transfer will have their phone ring.

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