Student iPads

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The Music, Education, and Art Departments have partnered with Apple to create the iLearn@Olivet program, a 1:1 iPad Initiative where students and faculty from participating departments integrate iPads into ONU programs to enhance the learning environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of the iPad?
Please contact the Help Desk for current pricing
This price includes:
- iPad (current gen), Wi-Fi, 128GB storage or better, including:
            - AppleCare+ 4-Year coverage for the iPad (auto-enrolled when devices ship to ONU)
- Apple Pencil (required for Art and Music classes, contact the Art and Music department for more details)
- IL sales tax
- Applications provided by the University

May I use financial aid to pay for the cost of the iPad?
The cost of the iPad is not considered “direct cost” (tuition, fees, room/board). Gift aid cannot be used to cover this cost. Student loans may be used to cover the cost.

Can I pay for the iPad over time?
Students may choose one of two payment options.
If requested, one half of the cost will be billed to the student in the fall and the remaining balance will be billed in the spring semester

Option # 1: Bill my student account the total cost in the fall semester

Option # 2: Bill my student account half of the cost in the fall and the other half of the cost in the spring semester.

When is the iPad mine?
The student will take possession of the iPad when they sign the ONU iPad policy statement.

If I am no longer involved in a Music, Education, or Art program or if I withdraw from school, may I return my iPad for a refund of charges?
Once the student signs the iPad agreement, the device becomes the property and responsibility of the student. The student will also assume the financial responsibility of the iPad.

What if I already own an iPad*?
If you already own an iPad, as specified above, or better, you may opt out of this program by notifying the respective department (Music, Education, Art) and completing an opt-out form. *Some departments require an Apple Pencil and Apple Pencil-compatible iPad

How do I know if my iPad qualifies for me to opt out?
Please check with your department when picking-up the opt-out form. 
Identifying iPad models
Compare current iPad models

Do I have to buy my own applications/eTexts?
For students that participate in the university’s iPad purchase program, the university will provide some of the applications students taking music, education, or art classes require. Students will receive these applications after school starts. Like textbooks, buying eTexts will be the responsibility of the student. However, most eTexts are a great value compared to the paper versions. eTexts will be available when school starts this Fall at the Olivet Bookstore

Who should I contact if I experience technical problems with the iPad?
Olivet has trained technicians, working with our IT department, to help students with iPad issues/questions. You may also work with Apple directly making use of the AppleCare+ program.

Do I need an Apple ID to use my iPad?
Yes. Your personal Apple ID will be used to download and manage applications and your content on the iPad. You may use your existing personal Apple ID or create one. See Apple ID Support for details.

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