
Technology is an important part of the educational experience at Olivet Nazarene University. This is true for students as well as faculty and staff. While there are still a few traditional classrooms on campus only containing items such as desks, chairs, tables, and a chalkboard or whiteboard, the majority of classrooms at Olivet provide varying levels of technology to assist with and enhance the learning environment.

Although the exact configuration varies some from room to room, instructors have access to many of the following resources in the classroom:

  • Computers for students to use while in class
  • Teaching station (networked computer) with projector and screen
  • SMART Board
  • DVD/VCR playback unit
  • Stereo sound
  • NetSupport
  • Printing
  • Scanning
  • Document camera
  • Video conferencing
  • Department-specific software and equipment

Speak to your departmental Administrative Assistant for more information about your departments classrooms.

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